Last Updated on 9. august 2022 by Vegar
We take on assignments both inside and outside the Police boundaries. And we can play in many different settings and in different price ranges.
We need at least 4 weeks notice for assignments.
Would you like to book us for an assignment, please send us an email containing:
- Date / day and given time for the assignment
- Approx. duration
- Location
- Description of contract
Contact addresses for assignments:
The Orchestra:
The Big Band:
Ensemble Groups:
Prices (is debatable):
The entire orchestra: NOK 10.000, –
The Big Band: NOK 18 – 25.000, –
Ensemble groups: NOK 3 – 5.000, –
The fee goes the orchestra’s and the big band’s operational costs, and not to individual members.
The Oslo Police Orchestra, contains of:
The main band (crew (in Norwegian) / about the orchestra)
A full Big Band (about the Big Band)
Small ensemble groups (5-12 people) with those who can attend that day / on the given assignment. The ensemble groups can play small simple things like Christmas light-music, oldies and goldies and small flexi-arrangements – that sounds fine even with small groups.
Are you wondering how we sound like, here are some audioclips of the orchestra and here audioclips of the Big Band.